Dane Clackworthy, our Head of Business Development and Sales, at the ScotSoft 2023.

Dane Clackworthy, our Head of Sales was at ScotSoft 2023 in Edinburgh on 28 September.

It was an opportunity to connect with Scotland’s bustling tech community at the world-class Edinburgh International Conference Centre.

A common theme throughout the event was about cyber resilience and incident response. It was interesting to hear that the impact of a major cyber incident will reduce shareholder value by an average of 9% in the following year (Aon Insurance – 2023 Cyber Resilience Report).

CyberPrism has been at the forefront of integrating our technology with our partner Everbridge Inc., the global crisis management service provider. What makes this hugely exciting is our ability to now automate Cyber Incident Response in the OT domain. More to follow so please keep a lookout for new information about our partnership with Everbridge in the coming months.

For now, thank you ScotlandIS for putting on an excellent event in Edinburgh. The range of speakers and sponsors really showcased the depth of talent found in the tech industry in Scotland and the UK.

Until next time.